Hooray! Kyle celebrated his birthday this weekend. My sweet boy is four! Sunday was his actual birthday, but we celebrated on Saturday and Sunday, it was a fun weekend for the little man!
We've been asking Kyle what he'd like to do for his birthday for the past month or two. (I just wasn't up for a big friend party with the new baby an all.) We had it narrowed down to going bowling, SplashDown Waterpark, or Chuck-E-Cheeses. He chose Chuck-E-Cheese. We invited his buddy Carson (and his parents and little sister) to join us. It was a super fun, super easy way to celebrate his birthday, and the kids had a blast!

The Loveridge family knows Kyle all too good! They hooked him up with a super cool bubble machine. Baby brother Colby brought a gift too, it was a bubble stomp rocket. As soon as pizza and presents were taken care of, they had a great time playing games.

Eat your heart out Uncle Tom! K-man did a pretty good job on the wave-runner simulator. It was one of his favorites of the day.
Kyle woke up on Sunday morning (his BIG day!) to a decorated door and hallway. (Thanks for the idea Mary.) He felt pretty special walking through the crape paper and playing with the balloons on the stairwell. He kept saying "Happy Birthday to Me!" it was cute.

We let Kyle open the rest of his birthday presents in the morning. We got him a few fun things, but one of the best gifts was Marble Works from Grandma and Grandpa Walters. He's seriously already gotten their moneys worth of enjoyment out of it. I love that we can help him set it up and then he's content to play with it for a few hours on his own, just watching the marbles through the maze. AWESOME!!

And last, but certainly not least, the all important birthday cake. I had every every intention of making and decorating a special cake for Kyle, but a day or two before his birthday we were at the store and he saw a 'Bolt' cake. He asked Oh so nicely for it, and I realized that I probably wouldn't have the time or energy to make a nice cake anyway, so I gave in and bought a store cake. He loved it, and I didn't have to take a few hours decorating, so it was a win-win situation. We took cake and ice-cream over to our friend's, the Madrishin's, to sing and eat. Aside from being our great friends and as close as anything we have to family out here on the east coast, Kyle just LOVES 'Big Dave' as he calls him. Dave had leg surgery a couple of weeks ago and has had some associated complications. He's totally layed up and couldn't come over here, so we took our little party to him. It was good to see him and lift his spirits. Eating our cake and ice cream over there made a great close to a fun weekend for Kyle.

I Love you Kyle, Happy Birthday big boy!
Four things I LOVE about Kyle
1. He is my sweet boy. He's got the mischievous streak that most little boys have, but for the most part he is such a lover. My favorite is when he asks me to cuddle on the couch with him in the morning under his blanket at watch shows.
2. So much energy! He is always on the go. He definitely wears me out sometimes, but I'd rather he be active and full of energy than just a bump on a log. He's always up for an adventure.
3. He loves playing with the 'big kids' especially his older cousins and the Madrishin kids. He things he's one of them. It cracks me up to watch him try to mimic the older kids. By watching them he's learned to do a 'bunny hop' on his little three-wheeler scooter, it's awesome!
4. He's on the road to being a fantastic big brother. He's the first one to run to Colby when he's crying to put his binky back in his mouth. He always helps me get clean diapers and throw away dirty ones. But the best part is that he talks to Colby like he's already one of his buddies. He asks him questions and gives him loves. So cute.