Sunday, January 10, 2010

Something to Celebrate!!

So, we got a Wii for Christmas this year (like everybody else!) We're having a lot of fun playing it. It is even one of the few things that Kyle has figured out how to do in his handicap state. (After all, you only need one arm for bowling and sword-fighting!) Scott and I have had a good time playing together in the evenings after the boys are in bed.

We've pretty much had one gaming system or another since we've been married. Nintendo64, Playstation2, Xbox360, and now the Wii. (I should be embarrassed to admit this, shouldn't I?) For the most part it's been a lot of fun playing games together, cheaper date than going to the movies, that's for sure! Inevitably, Scott beats me at EVERYTHING. It's not that I'm bad, I'm just not as good as him. (With the exception of Dr. Mario on the N64. When I was on bed-rest while preggo with Kyle I played it a TON. I beat Scott at that all the time.)

So anywho, lets talk about the beat-down that happened tonight. While wake boarding (Wii Sports Resort)I WON! OVER AND OVER AND OVER! Boo-yea Grandma! Wa-hoo! In your face baby!

Yep! It's that big of a deal! I love you Scott, and I love that I finally beat you at something fair and square, not because you let me.

Whew! Now it's out of my system.


Lynette said...

Awesome...way to go Tami! Take that Scott!!

Jenni said...

Woohoo for you Tami! We got a wii for Christmas too and I love it when I beat my hubby!