Monday, January 11, 2010

"Dark Green Please"

It's official. After a trip this morning to the Orthopedics, Kyle gets to lug around this big ole' thing for the next four weeks...
The doctor really wanted to just give him a half-cast, one that went only up to his elbow, but after taking off the first cast (the one from the ER) and examining it a little more, he decided that going for a whole arm cast was what needed to happen. Kyle didn't have as much mobility, without it hurting him SUPER bad, as the doctor hoped for the smaller cast. Oh well. (Unfortunately that knocked out the option of a water-proof cast.) When the tech asked him what color of cast he wanted there was no delay in his response..."dark green please"
Me, being the craftaholic that I am, couldn't resist dressing up his sling... just a bit!


Lynette said...

what a cute kid with a BIG cast!!!

Jenni said...

Oh my goodness that is the funniest arm sling I've ever seen! You should market them!:)Hope his arms heals as quickly as possible!

KP said...

You are both so creative. Kyle- fun way to break your arm, the more bouncing the beter. You-darling sling. You really could market them.