Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fun at our house!

This is the crazyness right now at our house...This is a view from the inside! They were nice enough to put up plastic to help keep the dust down throughout the rest of the house. Gold Star!

It's loud and seems like it is never going to end, but ultimately it will all be worth it! This is step one of our adventure to finish a room in the basement. They are putting in a full size window to replace the tiny 1ft x 2ft window that the builder originally installed. (You can see it in the second picture.) The guy who we have doing it is great. He's done a lot of home improvement projects for people in our neighborhood. He's priced right and totally honest. Something hard to come by these days! An added bonus is that he was a superintendent for Richmond American homes and actually did quite a bit of work on OUR house when it was being built.

What room are we finishing? A CRAFT AND SEWING ROOM!!! HOORAY! I can't wait to get a room all to myself. Scott can't wait to get our dining room back...and the office. He's such a great sport. It really will be nice though, to have a place that I can dedicate to my sewing/business/scrapbooking. It will definitely be fitted with doors that can lock, to keep little 'helping hands' away when they are not needed!

Like I said this is step one. The bulk of the work will be done in April when Scott's dad comes out for a few weeks to help. Something fun to look forward to!


Lynette said...

Alright, I am officially jealous!!!

KP said...

Exciting for you! It takes a little patience & a lot of work or is that a lot of patience & a little work. HORRAY.