Monday, March 9, 2009

This 'n That

It's been a while since I've posted...there's been all kinds of stuff going on at our house!

Whew! Our contractor came through and didn't just leave us with a hole in the side of our house. (Referencing the last post.) We now have a nice big (egress size) window where there once was just a tiny portal!

Scott got Lasik! Friday, Feb. 27th was a big day for Scott. He got both eyes done. He's been looking forward to having Lasik done for a LONG TIME. There were a rough couple of hours on Saturday and Sunday that he was in quite a bit of pain, but he toughed it out and is doing just fine now! It was a little wierd to see him wear sunglasses inside and out for a few days. Because of the type of surgery he had to have it will take a few weeks for his eyes to completely adjust and his vision to be the best it is going to be, but every day it seems to be a little better.

Okay, when you look at this next picture what comes to mind?
I don't know why, but when I drove up and saw how the snow had 'folded' around the plate of Scott's car, it made me totally laugh. Does anybody else see the resemblance of a handle-bar mustasche? Now that I am looking at the picture maybe it was funnier in person than caught on film. Oh well, just a glimps into my pregnant mind!

PROJECTS!I am starting to feel the need to get the house ready for baby. I looked around a few days ago and realized how NOT baby-proofed our house is. For starters...Kyle's toys needed a more permant home than the basket in the corner. On Saturday, Scott and Kyle built a new storage unit for toys. This is just the beginning, but we had to start somewhere!

What month is it again? Halloween is no where in site and yet on Saturday we had a fun little bunch of Trick-or-Treaters show up at our house!! Ashley, Ryan, Abbey, and Zack all showed up to 'non' trick-or-treat. they cracked us up. Kyle obvioulsy wanted to join in on the fun and quickly got his Jack Sparrow pirate costume on. They let him join their troup and continued on around the neighborhood 'non trick-or-treating.' My comment on the fun... "I LOVE IT WHEN KIDS CAN JUST BE KIDS!"- We are so lucky to live in a neighborhood full of great kids and friends.

Last but certainly not least. A little pregnancy update. The best news of all is that I'm not on bedrest! (At least for the time being, and I'll take whatever I can get!) By this time in my pregnancy with Kyle I was down. I'm feeling okay right now...good days and bad, but I'm just trying to take it easy and do everything the doctors say. I have a doctors appointment next week to re-eveluate, but for now things are okay! I'm 27 weeks pregnant and doing fine.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Yay for no bedrest and I hope it stays that way for you! What cute non-trick or treaters!