Friday, February 26, 2010

There is no stopping him now...

Yep! My baby is officially on the move! And he's a quick one too. For a few days the wood floor acted like a big huge baby gate, it was awesome. He wouldn't leave the comfort of the carpeted family room. As you can see by the picture, sadly that is not the case anymore.
Gone are the days of not having a 'little helper' while doing the dishes, and I can't let the kitchen floor go more than a few hours without being swept (especially where Kyle has been eating!) If it's on the floor, it's game for Colby. Whew! Now we'll actually have to baby proof.

I can't believe Colby is almost 9 months old. HOLY COW.


Linds said...

too cute! the photo looks great too, i love the editing!

KP said...

HOORAY for Colby.... Freedom. Hooray for you always having clean kitchen floor. He ia so CuTe.