We got back (to the Salt Lake Valley) yesterday from a great weekend in Fairview, Utah visiting Scott's parents for the weekend. The kids and I had such a great time playing with Grandma and Grandpa Pugmire. There are so many fun things to do up at Grandma and Grandpa Pug's house like...

Sledding Fairview style is WAY better than your average sledding! They live on a hill, and they have an agreement with their neighbors to not plow the road on the hill. (This is Utah...they all have 4-wheel drive vehicles!) The road is covered in snow for almost the whole winter. It's the perfect sledding hill. Grandpa Monte has a hitch on his four wheeler, so he tows the kids to the top of the road and then they can ride the whole way down. Grandpa meets them at the bottom to tow them back up again. Sledding is so much more fun when you don't have to pull the sled and walk all the way back up the hill. (Grandpa Monte has as much fun as the kids!)
Then there is Airsoft...

Kyle is ALL BOY! He love shooting 'things' more than almost anything. Airsoft guns are a great way to start a budding shooter/hunter. They only cost about $20 at walmart, and they shoot little plastic pellets. (Even if you were to get shot point blank by one of them, they wouldn't leave anything more than a little welt.) We have a very strict rule about what can be shot and what can't. People - NO, 2-liter bottles - YES, windows - NO, icicles - YES! You get the idea! Kyle and Monte shot a few thousand rounds of ammo this last weekend. (Mostly Kyle. He 'killed' things like plastic bottles, icicles, snow mounds, dust bunnies, the air, branches, etc.)
My kids have some of the best grandparents ever. (This totally includes my parents!) Grandma Sherry got into a pillow fight with the kids on Sunday night that lasted well over half an hour. They were all laughing so hard. It was fun to watch. No tears either, which made it even better!

Another really neat thing about visiting the Pugmire's is that they live up on Skyline Mountain Resort, which is a 'no hunting protected area', so we get to see lots of animals and critters while we are there. The photos of the deer below were taken right off of their back deck.

In the first picture, the deer was no more than 20 feet away. I wish that I would have had my telephoto lens with me, I could have gotten some AWESOME pictures. These are pretty cool though. Anyway, all six of the deer were up eating out of the little food trough that Monte made, but I didn't get my camera out in time. At least I got to snap a picture of them down in the ravine behind their house. It was definitely cool to see.
And last, but certainly not least, I was able to spend a few hours inside this beautiful building...

The Manti Temple has been one of my very favorites since I was a little girl. Being older now, and having the opportunity to actually go inside and serve is wonderful. Thank you SO MUCH Grandma and Grandpa for watching the boys so that I could take a few hours off and go to the temple.
We still have four days left of our fun trip out to Utah. As you can see, we are having a great time. Spending time with family is the best!