Monday, January 5, 2009

Our little boy just got a whole lot BIGGER!

K-man is officially a BIG boy! least he's a sunBEAM! He actually said the phrase to me yesterday while on his way to primary "Mommy, I'm a Big boy now!" It was super cute.

We've been so lucky to have a child who LOVES primary. From day one of entering nursery, he's never looked back. Yesterday didn't seem to be any different. After church I saw his teacher and asked how it went. I was actually asking about the class in general, because she has a mighty big class of three year olds who are mostly BOYS! She said it went pretty good and then said that Kyle was great! She may have been just trying to make me feel good, but she said he was probably in the top two of good listeners in the class and that he was very pollite. HOORAY! It is always nice to know as a parent that some of what you teach your child actually sticks! Hopefully his behavior stays good...and it wasn't just a first day facad! (spelling?)

On a totally different note, just 10 days until the big ultrasound!! I can hardly wait! What's even better is that I think I might finally be feeling a little better. I've had three days in a row that food hasn't completely repulsed me! It's unbelieveable how much more energy I have now that I have a little food in my system. Hopefully I'll get a few months of this instead of just a lucky week! Honestly though, I'll take what I can get.

Happy Monday!


Jenni said...

Yay for the great first day in sunbeams!! That's the class that I teach now! I'm so glad to hear you are feeling a little better!

KP said...

Isn't it fun that he is in Primary? Marie loves it. It was so fun to webcam with you all. We are anxious to know results of your ultrasound.