Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mormon mommy montra...

So much to do, so little time!

I really think that should be our motto.

Okay, now I have that out of my system...We are leaving in three hours, and I can't wait!! Road trip to NY baby. I still have a ton of things to do before heading out, so I really shouldn't be blogging, but I needed to take a breather and relax for a minute. That, and Kyle was in desperate need of his Little Einstines fix. (Yep, I'll admit it, I'm letting the TV babysit my child for the next twenty-five minutes.)

Although this weekend involves a ton of driving, we are pumped. We're driving today up to Rochester, NY, where "home base" will be. Tomorrow will be spent in Palmyra, NY, seeing church historical sites and the famed Hill Comorah Pageant. Saturday will be a fun filled day on the US/Canadian border exploring Niagara Falls. Sunday will complete the whirlwind weekend with driving back to VA. We're going up with two of our great friends, the Loveridge Family (Lynette's parents, bless their hearts, are hosting us all at their home), and the Christensen Family. Hopefully good times await!

Okay, I've got to get back to packing and cleaning, wish us luck and safe driving!


KP said...

I remember that NY trip well & I was about 10 years old. Jeff & I hope to take our family there someday. Safe, happy traveling!

Mary said...

How funny. As I type this you guys are probably heading out and we'll follow in about an hour. A neighbor asked if Lindsey could come play for a bit, which helped, and so Rand is having some tv babysitting right now too as I take a minute to eat lunch before packing the car. We are excited! Yipee!

Jolynn said...

Sounds like a good time. Have fun and good luck with all the driving.

The Spiveys said...

We took that same trip last summer and it was great. I hope you guys have a lot of fun!

Jenni said...

Wow, that sounds like an awesome trip!!! Hope you guys had tons of fun!! Can't wait to see the pics!:)