So...I should be totally embarrassed to admit this, but you're all my friends, right? So heres the deal. I am one of 'those' people who have been afraid of going to the dentist for WAY too long. Seriously, it has been years. There are a lot of factors that play into my 'fear'... when I was young, I had to have almost all of my baby teeth pulled, because they weren't falling out on their own. (We're talking like getting eight molars pulled at ONCE. I remember counting over 16 shots that time) I had a couple of other rough extractions as well. On top of that, the Orthodontist and I were 'tight' for like five or six years with expanding retainers and a LONG stint of braces. I think I was a little traumatized. - So now that I am older, I have had the intention to go for quite a while, knowing that I would still like to have teeth when I get OLD. But, there was always some excuse...moving and not knowing any good dentists, not knowing how much insurance would cover or what Dr.'s were in-network, etc.
Well, last week I had a wake-up call. I was flossing my teeth, and I chipped a tooth! That was all it took to send me over the edge. Obviously ones tooth is not suppose to chip while flossing, I knew it was time to see a Dentist, and to do it soon. To sum up the boring parts, I went to the dentist on Wed. for the first time in years! Yea for me! It was a personal accomplishment! (We are SO lucky to have a dentist in our area who is LDS, and who everybody recommends.) I went, I got a cavity filled, and I have an appointment for next Tuesday to get a cleaning and full check-up. Here is the best part though, he was FANTASTIC. He only had to give me ONE shot. It was the most painless cavity fix I have ever experienced. I was in and out of there in like half an hour.

I'm not so scared anymore. Here's to a good dentist!!