When I was a child, every Christmas Eve my mom would make a cake and we would sing 'Happy Birthday' to Jesus. A good reminder to us kids of what the Christmas holiday and season is all about. We decided to take the whole Birthday thing a step farther and started a new tradition in our little family. On Christmas Eve we had a Birthday Party honoring Jesus...complete with friends, food, party games, and cake and ice cream. It was seriously SO MUCH FUN! And, I'll tell you what, Kyle has no doubt as to why we celebrate Christmas, so it worked!
Here is some of the fun from our birthday celebration...

Playing the present dice game. (There is a present wrapped up in tons of layers of paper and tape. You go around the circle and roll a dice. When you get doubles, you have to put on a pair of socks and start opening. As soon as the next person gets doubles you have to give them the socks and gift. It goes like this until somebody wins!) Kayleigh was the big winner of the kids round, and Jeff won the adult round!

We played stick the nose on the snowman. I was hilarious. Everybody got a turn. We went oldest to youngest. Guess who won? Little Kyle! His reaction was epic, we wish we would have had it on tape, we could have won some serious home video cash.

When it was Kourtni's turn, she had a little difficulty. It could have had something to do with the fact that they spun her more than anybody else, and then headed her in the completely wrong direction. We all laughed, HARD. I'm pretty sure Melissa almost peed her pants!

Next we played a random game. We split into three teams, gave each team two rolls of toilet paper, and put five minutes on the timer. The goal was to cover one person on your team as much as possible in the five minutes. The winner is the team who's snowman was covered the most. It was actually really fun. Everybody got into it.

The kids all had a blast playing in the paper after we were done. It was like a big snowstorm inside the family room. Every kid's dream!

Wait...the game was SO over at this point (and this team had already been declared winners), but Melissa, self proclaimed Toilet Paper Queen, just couldn't let it go. Poor Ryan had no choice but to stand there and take it. It was pretty funny.

Colby loved playing in all the paper. Making a huge mess and not even getting in trouble for it was like a toddler's dream! He thought it was great!

And...STILL GOING at it with Ryan. Everybody else started getting in on the action. Yes, that is even a little black duct tape you see! Who knew that one random game would turn into an hour of entertainment?

And to cap off our fun party...cake and ice cream!
Happy Birthday Jesus!