Monday, April 12, 2010

Sale Day

So, I don't usually post 'business' stuff on this blog, since it's the family blog and all, but for today you'll have to excuse me!

April is Spring Sale Month at All The Trend. Each Monday we are featuring a different category in our shop with a great sale. Last Monday our 'Just Like Mommy' aprons were a big success. People always love a sale! (Me too! I'm not sure when the last time was that I paid full price for any of the boys clothes!) Today's sale is for CAR SEAT BLANKETS. We usually sell them for $19.95, but for the next 24 hours they will be on sale for just $14.95! Car Seat Blankets have a soft spot in both mine and Lynette's (my business partner) hearts. They are what got us started on this little business adventure. It is still one of my very favorite things we sew. It is SO functional. When Colby was brand new and still spitting up constantly, I had TWO, just so that I could always have a clean one on hand!
**To make the deal just a little sweeter, if you purchase two, we'll include a $5 gift certificate to our shop for future purchases!** (If you live in our area, go ahead through the check-out process, and we'll just refund your postage.)

Other than that, Happy Monday!

Oh yea, on a totally separate note. I'm slightly devastated. Our SD card is currently misplaced. THANKFULLY a week ago Scott happened to copy the photos from the card to his laptop to show Kyle. We are only missing one week of photos, rather than four months. Cheers to the little blessings in life!

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