I've taken quite the blogging break. I'm ready to come back! The thought of trying to "catch" up on blogging since the last post is daunting and is partially the reason that I've been away for so long; so instead of continually putting off the update, I'm just going to stay in the present.
That being said, we had a great summer. A wonderful trip to Utah, the Outer Banks North Carolina, and Blue Knob State Park in Pennsylvania. More recently a field trip with K-man's preschool to Cox Farms, and a super fun trip up to Hershey Pennsylvania and Hershey Park.
And because I can't seem to make a blog entry without a little eye-candy...a picture of our adorable smiling Colby.

He's four months old now and such a sweet loving baby. I am completely infatuated with him and his kissable body! (Those cheeks are sweet as can be!) At his four month check-up he was 13 lbs. even and 24.5 inches long. Growing like a sprout. He LOVES to be talked to, especially by big brother Kyle, and has just started laughing the last few days. I am so lucky to have such cute boys! (not at all biased)