TENNIS SHOES!! Seriously, I don't know what it is, but I love tennis shoes. Don't get me wrong, I love other shoes too (don't all self respecting women?), but I think tennis shoes truly steal my heart.
Here are the current ones you would find in my closet...

As far as I can remember, they are lined up newest to oldest (left to right). The newest being my cute new Nike's purchased about a week and a half ago; the oldest being my mow-the-lawn shoes, approximately seven years and one month old!
The funny thing about my love affair with tennis shoes, is that I REFUSE to pay full price. I mean seriously, who pays $80 for a pair of shoes? Surly not me! Nope, every single one of these, (with possibly the exception of the oldest...we'll get to that) were purchased on SALE!! I'm talking less than $25. I'm the bargain hunter. What's even more odd, is that I feel like each pair has a story. I spare you all the in-betweens, but you're going to have to hear about the first and last at least.

Okay, so these are my newest pair. There isn't a huge story to these other than I have ALWAYS wanted a pair of tennis shoes with pink on them. I've secretly coveted the cute Nike springy shoes that are pink and grey and white, but they cost WAY too much, and I've never seen a pair of them on clearance for less than $40. The pair above had come close to curing my lusting! Although you may not be able to see, the Nike check is outlined in PINK. When I saw them I was pumped! I felt like I had won the shoe lottery. (Kholes is the best place to find clearance shoes.) I think these will keep me happy for a while. At least until I find the next great deal!
The shoes below, my oldest pair, have a lot of sentimental value. I'm not kidding! Just over seven years ago they were new and beautiful and white, just like my wedding dress!! With Scott being SO much taller than me, and my dress covering up my feet, I wore these under my wedding dress! Seriously, aside from roasting from the inside-out while taking pictures on the hottest day of the year (not exaggerating, it really was!), I was by far the most comfortable bride that day. My feet didn't get sore at all. That's saying a lot for such a long day.

They are great shoes, and I love how comfortable they fit, so they've become my lawn-mowing-shoes.
So I realize this is like the wierdest post ever, but after I finished mowing the lawn today I sat down to take a breather and looked at my shoes. They brought back memories of my wedding day. Then I started thinking about all my other tennis shoes, and the fun memories I have with each of them. It's funny what can make us start reminiscing. I'm thankful for all my shoes and all the awesome memories associated with them!