What have your past few weeks looked like? I'm sure they've been just as busy as ours! Below is the 'Readers Digest' version of our past few weeks...
The boys and I made a quick trip out to Utah to celebrate the life of my sweet Grandma, Lela Jane MacKnight. We were able to see relatives that we haven't seen in years, and even meet some new ones! The memorial service was beautiful. Just as she would have wanted it...a small group of family who laughed, shared stores of our feisty Lela Jane, and only shed a few tears. Below is a picture of my parents as proud as can be with their three grandchildren!

We've spent lazy summer mornings just chillin' together.

I prepared a lot of fun things for the YCL's at YW Camp.

Kyle got to celebrate his 5th BIRTHDAY with a few of his friends at the bowling alley. (He has begged for the past few years to have a bowling party. We finally made it happen this year!) I can't believe my K-man is 5! I love him with all of my heart and am so proud of the boy he is becoming. Scott and I are very blessed to be his parents.

What's a bowling party without a bowling cake? I'm no pro, and don't pretend to be, but Kyle loved it, and that's all that matters!

This was a pretty big year in the gift department for the little man. He got a new 16" bike from us, and a super sweet Razor scooter from Grandma and Grandpa Walters. He was SO EXCITED!

We played 'Just Dance' on the Wii at the Madrishin's house...possibly the most fun Wii game of all time. (Yes, that is Grandma Sandy getting her groove on!)

I was a Stake Leader at YW Camp. Such a great experience. I loved the ladies I served with and had a fabulous time with all the girls. An experience not soon forgotten.

Celebrated my 29th birthday at camp!

We enjoyed a fun block party with a ton of friends on Sat. July 3rd... (Thanks Jensen family for putting that together!)

Kyle wasn't afraid of the fireworks this year!! HOORAY!! A HUGE milestone in his little life.

With his birthday money from Great-Grandpa Bob, Kyle chose to get himself a new set of junior clubs...so he could be just like his dad and grandpas. He and Scott have already been out on the course to try them out.

And last, but certainly not least, we were lucky enough to have my mom, Grandma Sandy, visit for two weeks. She was our sweet angel who watched the boys during the days while I was at camp and Scott was working. Thanks mom. I love knowing my boys are in good hands while I am away. We love you SO much and are thankful for your sacrifice and willingness to help us out. Colby has missed his play-mate terribly since you've been gone!

Whew! The last few weeks have been exciting and exhausting. I'd love to say things are going to change for the rest of the summer, but they aren't, so we'll just embrace the craziness and look forward to the next few weeks!
One the agenda for the upcoming weeks...
Time at the pool
A road-trip to New York and Ohio
Getting ready for K-man to start Kindergarten
Three weeks in Utah
...and more!