Monday, December 22, 2008

The true spirit of CHRISTmas.

I walked into our living room a week or two ago and came upon this...

I LOVE this time of year, and I LOVE that Kyle can spend minutes on end (which is a lot for a 3 1/2 year old) playing with 'his' nativity set. The angel sings 'Away in a Manger', and I can't even begin to count how many times we have heard it over the past few weeks...and I'm not even sick of it! I'll take 'Away in a Manger' any day over some of the crazy stuff we hear these days.


Mike and Timette said...

That is adorable, I like the fact the angel sings it, very fun!

Mike and Timette said...

That is adorable, I like the fact the angel sings it, very fun!

Jenni said...

That is so very sweet! I love that little people nativity set!!

KP said...

This is so sweet. My older kids will even play with the nativity. Under the illuminated Christmas tree. My friend, a mother of boys, found a pirate posed with the wisemen in her nativity. For her the playing went a little too far. We hope your Christmas was memorable & fun.