Seriously, the MOVIE was AWESOME!! I could probably stop here, but oh no, I must go on....at least a little!
If you haven't seen the movie yet, feel free to stop now, although I don't think I'll be divulging any secrets since you've probably already read the book!
- I know that a lot of people were skeptical abou the actor who was chosen to play Edward, he did AWESOME! And was PERFECT! At the beginning of the movie I kept thinking "man, they went a little to heavy on the lipstick and eye brows, but by the end he was DEFINITELY everything I imagined him to be! (A hottie!)
- I think they casted the movie SO WELL, with the exception of Rosalee. I think they could have found somebody a little more "beautiful."
- I Loved Jasper's character in the movie, he cracked me up.
- One of my favorite scenes was when Bella walks into her science classroom and Edward "gets a whiff" of her for the first time. It was hysterical!
- Wow, the "electricity" they created between Edward and Bella was UNBELIEVABLE!
Okay, that's my Twilight post. I'm sure that Scott is rolling his eyes right now, but I had to share it. Thanks again babe, for letting me go with my girl friends on opening night, we had a blast!