Wow, here it is the new year, January 4th to be exact, and I am just now getting to my blog. I always thought January was suppose to be a slow month, but I've been proven wrong!
I am so excited for this new year. A new year is such a great time to set new goals, try new things, and improve on what you already have. I feel like I'm already on the right track. The two main goals I have set (not that any of you really care, but I'm just trying to make myself accountable) is to read my scriptures every day (I haven't missed yet...4 days and counting!) and to keep a "Thankful Journal" writing in it a short entry each night about something I am thankful for. The Thankful Journal is kind of a spin off of something one of the Apostles spoke about in the fall conference (I think it was elder Eyering, but could be wrong). I have always had good intentions of keeping a regular journal, but they seem to be a little overwhelming, so by just keeping a thankful journal I will still have somewhat of a record of my life, just not a play-by-play so to's less daunting in my mind.
Something exciting that is also on track for the new year (part of my 'try new things' in the new year) is that Lynette and I are going for it! Yep, we are making ourselves into an actual Legal, on the state books, tax paying, Limited Liability Company. We've been making and selling things for over a year now at craft fairs and such, but we've decided to go out on a limb and try to expand a bit. I know I am so excited I can hardly stand it, and I'm pretty sure Lynette mirrors my feelings. We still plan to go to craft fairs, although hopefully on a little larger scale now, but we are also setting up shop online. Our webpage is currently under construction, but hopefully before the month is over we'll be up and running for business! We use to operate under the name "Lovepug Creations" (combining our last names Loveridge and Pugmire), but too many people thought we were selling dog items (because of the "pug" reference), so we've come up with a new name that we feel embodies our products...drum roll please.....
All The Trend LLCWe have a graphic designer working out the bugs on our logo, but as soon as we have it in our possession, we'll unveil it!! We'll be sure to let you know when we're fully up and running. Wish us luck!
On a final note...The Pugmires are going on VACATION! Boo-yeah! We leave in two days for Cozumel, Mexico. I can hardly wait! We get the best of both worlds because both sets of our parents are going, as well as my brother Tom and his wife Jill and another couple that Tom works with. We went two years ago and had a great time, hopefully this year will be just as wonderful. Yes, Kyle is going with us. With four grandparents along Scott and I will actually get a little bit of a break. Fun times ahead!
Here are a few photos from last time...(Kyle was 8 months old)