Kyle got to dye easter eggs on Saturday for the first time. He LOVED it! Scott and I had a little fun too. (Isn't that the fun part of parenting?) The Easter Bunny made a stop at our house sometime Saturday night/Sunday morning to hide Kyle's dyed eggs and leave the little man with some fun things in his basket. Holidays are so much more fun now that we have a child old enough to really 'get into it'. He gets SO excited over the smallest things, it's great!
Growing up I always got a new dress for Easter, so I've kind of kept the tradition alive for me and Kyle. (Scott not so much because he could care less!) I found a nice maternity shirt and got Kyle his first 'real' suit. I'd say he pulls it off pretty well! (I realize I'm totally prejudice.) I love that Kyle and Scott's suits match.

Also, earlier in the week we went to the House of Bounce with a bunch of friends for a few hours. It was crowded because of Spring Break, but the kids all seemed to have a great time regardless. We can't wait to go again when it's a little less busy.
Kyle with all of his friends who went to the bounce house.