Hello family and friends! I hope that your Christmas holiday was as great as ours! We have been so blessed this year. Although it was hard to be away from both of our families this year, it was so much fun to spend Christmas at our own house and start to make some of our own traditions. Thankfully we are also surrounded by great friends who help to fill the void of family.

We took this cute little family picture after all gifts had been opened on Christmas morning. Kyle was SO happy! Yesterday was definitely a good day in his little book of life! Seriously, how much better can it get for a little one with the attention span of a knat? He got to open a gift, play with it for 30 seconds to a minute loose attention, and then get to open something new! We were afraid that he was going to be overwhelmed, but that wasn't the case. It was fun to see him so excited. Holidays are getting more and more fun as he gets older.
One of my favorite parts of Christmas this year was that Scott had a four day weekend! It was so much fun to have him home with Kyle and I. We really just enjoyed each other, played, shopped and cleaned as a family. It was great. Scott totally stepped up this whole weekend and helped extra with cleaning and errands and such. He really helped to make MY holiday so enjoyable. Thanks babe! I love you.