Monday, February 2, 2009

funny conversation and a book review

We were on our way to the store and had to stop at the gas station...

Kyle: "Momma, why is Grandma outside?"
Me: "She's filling us up with gas sweetheart."
Kyle: "Oh, so we can poop?"
Me: *laughing* "Nope, just so that the car can run."

Seriously, potty training has been one of the hardest part of raising our sweet Kyle.  Some very funny conversations have come out of it.  The best part of that last conversation is that he was not trying to be funny, he was totally serious.  It was a good one!  He knows what gas usually leads to!

On to my random book review.
I read all kinds of books, I really love to read.  I finally read a book that I'm guessing most of you women have already read.  Its 'The Goose Girl' by Shannon Hale.  LOVED IT!!  I read it in like two days and loved every bit of it.  If you haven't taken the time to read it yet, do.  It's catagorized as a Young Adult fantasy, which may scare some of you off, but don't let it.  It is a quick read.  I'm not a huge lover of fantasy (after all, GASP, I've only read like four of the Harry Potters.)  I would catagorize it more as realistic fantasy...if there was such a catagory!  Anyway, I don't usually comment about one of the books I read, but I enjoyed it that much.  I can say that it is definitely in my top 5 reads of all time.


Mary said...

Kyle is so funny!

I love "Goose Girl" also - Shannon Hale is a great author and one of my favorites. Now you need to read the rest in the series - they are all great!

Lynette said...

That is really funny!! How is that pooping coming along?

Mike and Timette said...

I totally agree!! Shannon Hale is an amazing author, I have loved all of her books. You need to read princess Academy.

KP said...

I agree, Kyle is funny! Oh, potty training boys requires patience, that is most of what I learned after training our 4 sons.

Mendy said...

While I love The Goose Girl with wild abandon, I must confess that it is my second favorite Shannon Hale. For me, Book of a Thousand Days takes the cake. I just reread it last week. What a treat!