Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'll Huff, and I'll Puff...

Big bad wolf, PLEASE don't blow this little piggy's house down. I don't know if this house of sticks and stones is going to stand up to your powerful blowing.

I'm not speaking in metaphors...our wind is kind of freaking me out. It's days like this all I can do is pray that Richmond American Homes really put all the nails and screws in the walls that they were suppose to...other wise our roof may end up a few hundred yards away. Holy Smokes.

Kyle actually came to me this morning and said "Mommy, I'm scared of the wind, make it stop." I told him to yell as loud as he could to 'go away wind', which he did, but it didn't seem to work! We then ended up in his room cuddling for a while singing songs to drown out the noise a bit. Although I don't love the wind, I'll take cuddle time any way I can get it!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

We've had a couple of crazy windy nights in our area too and the sound really is scary!

Happy new year to you Tami!!:)