Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Are you really having a bad day?

Just be thankful that YOU didn't have to have a cavity drilled and filled today...WITHOUT NOVOCAINE. Because I did. I made it through to tell the story, but it is something I pray I never have to go through again.

Note to self: Get all tooth work done BEFORE getting pregnant.

Note to Dentist: Thanks for caring about my unborn child, I know that you wouldn't have put me though the torture if you didn't feel strongly about keeping the baby safe. Although, I am going to hold you to your promise (that you made to me while in the chair death gripping the arm-rests to try and avoid making much noise) of writing a litter to my baby telling it how tough I was during the procedure!

Note to you all having a bad day: Hey, at least somebody always has it a little rougher!


Mary said...

You are my hero - no novicaine AND not gagging and throwing up on the dentist while putting dental stuff in your mouth while preggo - sheesh lady!

Just the thought of drilling sans drugs give me the shivers.

The Pugs said...

To be honest, I don't think I would have shown up for the appt. had I known we were going into it sans novocaine, but once I was in the chair I felt like an idiot for backing out, so I didn't.

My toes are still curled!

Linds said...

First of all...congrats!

I've had that and it's terrible! Well it was really my dentist that was terrible. "Oh those were worse than I though" after drilling and not giving me novocaine. It was a whole new world the next time I had a cavity filled, by a different dentist.

utahtripletfamily said...

I am shocked at your perserverance! Your story just made my toes curl!

Jenni said...

Holy moly! You deserve a medal, or sainthood or something... Wow...