Monday, September 22, 2008

Laptop is healed!

Yea! It is times like this that I am SO thankful I married a computer guru! It is kind of a long story, but in a nutshell, I messed up the laptop last week. (It caught a virus because of my stupidity.) Well, it took a week, and a complete re-build, but we are back in action. The good news is that the bug didn't get to any of our pictures or documents, just all our programs.

A lot has happened since the computer downtime...Kyle started preschool and also a fun Tiny Tot Boot Camp, I have sewn a men's Jane Austen period style jacket, and Saturday was 'Soup'er Saturday for our ward. Life's been busy, but fun. I'll post pictures soon, once I get them downloaded on the computer. I'm just happy to have the computer back up and running.


Croslands said...

Yeah, congratulations! I'm happy to hear that you are back in the cyber world. Now I'll be expecting more blogging. :)

Kelli said...

i don't know what I would do without a computer. Hope all is well as fall is approaching back east. It must be beautiful this time of year!!

Heidi said...

How did you get a virus?? I'm always so paranoid about it so I'm always wanting to be extra cautious!

the design boss said...

Technical support pulled through!! What a guy, I know that we would be lost with out him!!

Croslands said...

If your laptop is really healed then why am I still staring at the same post?

Croslands said...

really? is it really?

The Pugs said...

Seriously, I suck at blogging right now! I'm going to try to make up!